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I’m David McCauley

I’m a Certified, Trauma Aware Embodiment Coach based in Ireland (Co. Down)

I can chart the beginning of my embodiment journey back to an ‘accidental’ 5 Rhythms workshop with back in 2013. While definitely out of my comfort zone then (“You mean dance? Like, sober??”), it was without doubt where it all started. Over the next few years I was able to overcome issues with chronic stress and burnout, alcohol abuse and weight. I moved with and studied the 5 Rhythms whenever I could. Scott Riley at (what was then) Causeway Living got me moving outdoors and into cold water for the very first time…

The sudden loss of my beloved Mum in January 2018 was another turning point. By now I was enjoying a totally sober life and had radically overhauled my health and wellbeing. Meditation, mindfulness, yoga and marathon running sustained me through the most challenging time of my life so far. 5 Rhythms provided me with the means to heal, to overcome and to keep moving forward.

January 2020 saw another bump when I unexpectedly received a cardiac stent – I had felt as though I was in the best shape of my life and had no symptoms. The physical recovery from this was nothing compared to the mental recovery needed – it took some time (and of course a global pandemic didn’t help!) but in the end it deepened my mind-body connection. Hiking, running, cold water swimming and my other regular practices sustained me, not to mention a fair dollop of professional counselling…let’s break the stigma here!

By now I had been forming the idea that I wanted to be able to help others, as I had been able to help myself. I was shown that the reason people often came to me for help was because I was good at it. People respected my advice & guidance. My life experiences gave me a unique insight that could be used to help others. I started to feel this in an embodied sense…and began to gather the tools and experience I would need to serve others effectively.

In 2022 I started study with Mark Walsh & the Team at Embodiment Unlimited and gained my Embodiment Coach Certification. My studies and learning are ongoing, and in I continue to travel to 5 Rhythms workshops worldwide on a regular basis.

I practice movement and meditation daily, yoga regularly, and spend as much time in nature as I can (Margot & I often head off in the camper van). I’m also partial to a bit of the auld cold water stuff.

Always on the lookout for new things, in 2023 I started performing Improv Comedy with Possessive Robot and also as a member of Rock Choir. Life is Good. It’s busy, it’s hard work…but it’s Fun.

As Brian Kennedy sang – Get on with your Short Life